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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Online Math Equation Latex Editor: Codecogs


codecogscom has made an online equation editor for those that want to make math equations using the LaTeX code format using the MathML library.  Output formats include graphics lie GIFs, HTML and URLs to their website.

This is good for sites like stack exhange mathematics.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Viewing Wikipedia Math equations on Firefox

Wikipedia has promptly and unceremoniously dropped mathJAX support for wiki pages. For those of us that read math equations this can be a problem. They brought in MathML which is a mark-up version but not everyone can get the images that are sent instead of the equations mathJAX used to convert. If you work somewhere that rejects / filters incoming images for safety reasons then you need a way to convert; just like mathJAX did way back in June 2015.

Scouring the Firefox addons I found a solution.

To see the equations in the new Wikipedia, download this plugin:

Wiki Math Converter

It produced this output

𝐢𝑀𝐴 n + 1 = x n + 1 + n 𝐢𝑀𝐴 n n + 1

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Technology Readiness Levels -TRL

NASA developed a system / model if you will to describe the readiness of a piece of technology for application.

These technical / application based levels describe how finished a "finished product" is.


When you are trying to decide how ready a piece of technology is for application, you might want to use these levels for yourself. Adopting common conventions like this makes it easier to describe your work in a way others not familiar with can understand by common reference. I am on a big kick for interoperability these days, using common definitions and conventions makes sense in so many ways. Less confusion, more understanding.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Make Archve From Folder

I wrote a simple - too simple - and poorly written shell script to make an archive file out of a directory containing the name of the computer, the date including hours,  and the project name.

# make archive folder DRE 2015
# Description: makes a named folder and archives it from a GNU Autotools
#specific CVS env vars
#export CVS_RSH=ssh
#export DIR=/usr/local/cvsroot
#export CVSROOT=:pserver:dave@dogma:$DIR

#clean out files if program
make distclean
# remove old copies of archives
rm -fr *.tar.gz

#create dated folder for new mods
storedate=$(date -Ihours)
project=$(printf '%q\n' "${PWD##*/}")
name=$(uname -n)

mkdir "$total"
cd "$total"
cp -r  ../* .
rm -fr "$total"
cd ..
tar -czf "$total.tar.gz" "$total"
It isn't the wisest script but people forget the point of unix.  It wasn't to be masters of all aspects of the operating system and tools, but to make the computer do the work so the human didn't have to. I did a quick search for the proper way to copy a folder without itself in the new folder.  I wasn't  happy with what I found so I just used basic commands I knew would work. I don't need to be expert to get it to work. That is a big stumbling block still with Unix. Usability. Knowing the perfect way to do something isn't important as most people assume.

This will waste the computers time executing extra commands.  But so what? It idles 90+% of the time when I am web browsing. It's not in a hurry. I am.